Market Research Association – Yangon (MRA) set up with local market research agencies held its 3rd Annual General Meeting on 3rd March 2022 afternoon, virtually through Zoom meeting app.
The objectives of this event are
- to inform the updated professional and financial performance of MRA to the non-government, business, and members as well as to the public,
- to inform how MRA tried to support research community together with ESOMAR
- to help the individuals and organizations who need market research, and market research professionals, access to the knowledge and landscape of market research industry in Myanmar
During the event, the welcoming speech was delivered by U Kyaw Hlaing, the Chairman of Market Research Association (Yangon) and the annual report was presented by the Joint Secretary. Afterwards, there were the presentation from ESOMAR World Research given by Mr. John Smurthwaite (Ambassador of ESOMAR APAC) on “How ESOMAR can help Market Research Association (Myanmar)” and presentations by MRA Executive Committee Members on “How MRA is supporting Market Research Industry and Trade Association”, “Public Opinion Survey on Impact Of Covid -19” and “Future Plan of MRA”. Then Q&A session came in which the participants asked some questions to which the presenters responded. The meeting was successfully ended at about 3:00 pm.
Zoom Meeting Photo