Basic Concept of Research Training


Market Research Association (Yangon) incorporated was registered as an association on 27 June 2018. Key objectives of the association are to develop research industry in Myanmar and to increase the value and capability of Myanmar research professionals and staff. According to MRA activities, research training courses will be conducted in 2019 and Basic Concept of Research training is the first training of its kind. MRA will provide basic research knowledge to students and fresh field interviewers.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the one-day introduction training, the participants would be able to_

    • To know about MRA
    • To understand general concept of Consumer Research, Business Research and Social Research
    • To know basic concept of a research and research process
    • To be aware of the challenges and how to overcome them during the data collection process

Training Orgnizer :  Market Research Association (MRA)

Training Fee : 20,000 MMK per person

Benefit: Two coffee time, lunch, and training materials (PPT hard copy)

Criteria of training participants:  Those who are interested in market research field or Field interviewers and University students/ fresh graduates

Estimated Training Size: Maximum 60 people

Registration/enrollment: Form completion/ online registration(

Dead line: 24 August 2019

Payment: Payment in cash at MRA office/Mobile banking



U Thurein Nyein

Founder and Managing Director of Myanmar Resources Network Limited and working as an advisor for Nielsen MMRD Myanmar and MMRD Group

He served as Country MD of Nielsen MMRD Myanmar, from 2014 till March 2019, General Manager of MMRD, from 1997 till 2014, Domestic Operation Manager of  

Nielsen SRG Myanmar, from 1995 till 1997 and junior staff up to various Manager roles from 1991 till 1995 at MMRD in Publishing, Advertising, Research and Consultancy services. In addition, he is actively participating in business associations such as Myanmar Retailers’ Association, Market Research Association, Myanmar Economic Association and Professional Marketers Association in different key roles and lead for industry development and engagements.

U Aung Min

Executive Director (Research), MMRD Co., Ltd

He is Executive Director of MMRD Co., Ltd. He has over 20 years of research experience in business and social research. As a recognized expert in his field, U Aung Min sits on the board of various national organizations such as  

Joint Secretary of National Export Strategy Trade Information Committee. He is also a visiting lecturer at the Trade Training Institute of the Ministry of Commerce. He is Secretary of Market Research Association.

Dr. San Tun Aung

Vice President, MSR

He is Vice President of Myanmar Survey Research Co., Ltd. He worked in Myanmar Times, Information Officer of Myanmar Red Cross, UN Habitat Officer, etc.,  

and he has over 20 year experience in social research. He received his doctorate in sociology from the University of Hawaii in USA. He is Executive Committee Member of Market Research Association.





Dr Kyaw Lin

Director, Thuta Nyana Company Ltd

He worked in INGO, UNODC and a private market research company, MMRD for 10 years. His posts were health information and research analyst, research analyst, senior research analyst and research manager. He got  

medical degree and Master in Public Health (Bedfordshire). He has an extensive experience in qualitative and quantitative social research including health sector-HIV, Malaria, maternal and child health, WASH, supply chain management, agriculture, energy, and garment industry, for more than 5 years and was responsible as analyst, lead researcher and report writer.

U Myint Zaw

Director, Thuta Nyana Company Ltd

He has over nine-year experience of working in research and consulting industry. He also worked for three years as a Monitoring and Evaluation staff for INGOs, HelpAge International and ActionAid Myanmar. He holds  

Master of Public Administration and Diploma in Research Studies from Yangon University of Economics and bachelor degree in Law from University of Yangon.

U Win Thein

Director, Thuta Nyana Company Ltd

He has over 10 years of experiences working with Myanmar Marketing Research & Development (MMRD) Company as a project manager. He is well versed in research works including delivering training, qualitative  

and quantitative research analyses, amongst others. A Myanmar national and holds a Master of Arts degree, with psychology, from Yangon University and a Bachelor degree in psychology from Magway University. He also as a Social Enterprise Consultant and E4E Trainer.


Training Agenda



Speaker, instructor

08:30-09:00 Registration and Networking All Participants
09:00-09:15 Opening Speech

U Moe Kyaw, Chairman of Market Research Association

09:15-09:30 Explain History and Activity of the Market Research Association(MRA) U Aung Min
09:30-10:15 Business and Industrial Research landscape in Myanmar U Aung Min

Coffee Break

10:30-11:15 Social Research Landscape in Myanmar Dr. San Tun Aung
11:15-12:00 Jobs and Careers in Marketing Research U Thurein Nyein

Lunch Break

13:00-13:45 What is Research?

  • Definition of research
Thuta Nyana Company Ltd.

(Research& Consultancy Services)

13:45-14:30 Why do we do research?

  • Benefit of doing research

Coffee Break

14:45- 15:45 Research Process

  • Problem identification
  • Study title definition
  • Research question
  • Study objective
  • Methodology
  • Data collection
  • Analysis
  • Reporting and dissemination
Thuta Nyana Company Ltd.

(Research& Consultancy Services)

15:45- 16:45
  • Data collection methods
  • Identify challenges and how to overcome them during data collection process

(Reflecting on the training agenda)

Thuta Nyana Company Ltd.

(Research& Consultancy Services)

16:45-17:00 Closing Ceremony / Announcement of future training plan for specialized trainings All