The Myanmar Living Conditions Survey 2017 (MLCS 2017) Socio-economic report was launched on 7 February 2020. MLCS 2017 is a comprehensive household survey conducted by Myanmar’s Central Statistical Organization of the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Industry. The survey is representative of the Union, its states/regions and the Union Territory of Nay Pyi Taw, and urban and rural areas.
A total of 13,730 households were interviewed, which yielded a wide range of information on how people work, how much income they earn, and how they use this to meet the food, housing, health, education and other needs of their families. The objectives of the survey are three-fold: (1) to produce an assessment of poverty and living conditions; (2) to provide core data inputs – weights and private consumption expenditures – for the consumer price index (CPI) baskets and the system of national accounts; and (3) to monitor data needs and selected Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets.
The Socio-economic Report is the third and final analytical report in a series of reports that started with the Key Indicators Report (CSO, UNDP and World Bank, 2018a) and was followed by the Poverty Report (CSO, UNDP and World Bank, 2019).1 The focus of the present report is to provide an in-depth analysis of the living conditions of households in 2017 and how these conditions contribute to and characterize welfare in Myanmar. The executive summary presents evidence on the three thematic questions addressed in this report, which aim to describe poverty in Myanmar, assess the asset base of households, and explain what households do for a living.
Full report can be downloaded at Resource tab of the website.