5th Annual General Meeting of the Market Research Association Yangon, Myanmar

Market Research Association – Yangon (MRA) set up with local market research agencies held its 5th Annual General Meeting on 27th August 2024 afternoon, Hybrid Event.

The Market Research Association held its 5th annual meeting on August 27, 2024. It was attended by Central Executive Committee members, MRA members, Myanmar Statistical Association (MSA) Chairman U Shu Kyein, Myanmar Business Executive Association members, and various research agencies in person. Representatives from the Myanmar Trade Promotion Organization, Central Statistical Organization, and UMFCCI attended the meeting remotely online, as well as professors from NMDC, and the ESOMAR World Research Asia Pacific Ambassador. Including guests, the meeting had 140 attendees.

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Central Executive Committee of Market Research Association for 2024-2026

Central Executive Committee of Market Research Association for 2024-2026 has been elected on 31 August 2024.

Sr. Name Position Company
1 U Moe Kyaw Patron Chairman, MMRD Co., Ltd.
2 U Aung Min Chairman Managing Director, Min Myanmar Research Co., Ltd.
3 U Thurein Nyein Vice Chairman (1) Managing Director, Myanmar Resources Network Co., Ltd.
4 U Kyaw Hlaing Vice Chairman (2) Chairman, Myanmar Survey Research
5 Daw Mi May Phyu Phyu Sin Secretary Associate Director, Myanmar Survey Research
6 Daw Thi Thi Aung   Joint Secretary (1) Sr. Manager, NielsenIQ MMRD
7 U Phyo Kyaw Thu Joint Secretary (2) Director, Min Myanmar Research Co., Ltd.
8 U Kyaw Kyaw @ U Kyaw Soe Moe Treasurer Managing Director, Grand Valley International Co., Ltd.
9 Dr Thuta Aung CEC Member CEO, Hamsa Hub Co. Ltd
10 Dr. San Tun Aung CEC Member Freelance Consultant
11 Daw Sabei Aung CEC Member Director, (Media Operations) Nielsen MMRD
12 U Khin Maung Htay CEC Member Managing Director, View Research Marketing Research & Services Co. Ltd
13 Daw Khaing Khaing Yu Maw CEC Member Manager, Yoma Strategic

ESOMAR Foundation and Market Research Association (MRA) Online Market Research Courses (University of Georgia)

The ESOMAR Foundation is the charitable arm of ESOMAR, who isthe global market & social research association. ESOMAR Foundation has teamed up with the Market Research Association (MRA) calling university students as well as young researchers who want to pursue their career in research to apply for an online course. This is a fantastic opportunity to get invited to a free online research course run by a reputable American university. There are several course topics available.  Depending on your interest you can let us know your top 3 choice, though each participant will only be considered for one course.

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MRA elected new Executive Committee for 2020-22

As the term of present executive committee (2018-2020) will be ended in October 2020, MRA Market Research Association (Yangon) held a Zoom Meeting to elect a new executive committee for 2020-22 on 16 September 2020. Altogether 23 EC members and members joined the meeting. The meeting elected a new Executive Committee for 2020-22 with one patron and 12 EC members as follows;

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